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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

All participants in The Intentional Living Collective’s communities and/or events agree to gently and firmly hold themselves and each other accountable to behave as good humans toward each other. We created the Good Human Code of Conduct to define the values we agree to uphold in our community.

What does it say?

  1. We are a community   We value all voices and strive for productive and healthy collaborations between our members.
  2. We are Safe We speak and act in ways that safeguard each other from harm or danger of all kinds – including physical, mental, and emotional.
  3. We act with integrity We let our actions reflect our values and strive to meet all commitments. We hold ourselves and each other accountable.
  4. We are respectful We treat others with respect at all times and use language that reflects appreciation of their perspective and voice.
  5. We are fair We are inclusive, fair, and equitable in all our transactions and interactions.
  6. We are supportive and inspiring   Our words and actions will be supportive of others, encouraging them rather than criticizing them.
  7. We behave constructively    We address disagreements constructively, give others the benefit of the doubt, and address problems in collaborative ways.
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